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Susan Hedge

Junior Counsel

(07) 3012 8222​ 

Susan was called to the bar in 2013. She joined Byth Chambers in 2021 and practices primarily in
planning and environment, public, administrative, regulatory and criminal law and commissions and

She has appeared alone and as junior counsel in trials before juries and judges and other hearings in
the Supreme, District, Planning & Environment and Magistrates Courts and appeals in the Court of
Appeal and High Court.  She has appeared in high profile matters, including as junior counsel to
Walter Sofronoff KC in the High Court in The Queen v Baden-Clay (2016) 258 CLR 308, and in
various planning and environment matters including QCoal Pty Ltd & Anor v Isaac Regional Council
[2022] QCA 237, and Drivas v Brisbane City Council & Anor [2021] QPEC 68, led by Mitchel Batty.

Susan has substantial experience in commissions of inquiry. In 2022, Susan acted as Counsel
Assisting Walter Sofronoff KC at the Commission of Inquiry into Forensic DNA Testing in
Queensland. She was also Counsel Assisting to former P&E Court Judge Richard Jones in his
independent review of the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (Qld). She was a senior solicitor at the
Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry in 2011-2012.
Susan was a Crown Prosecutor and Senior Crown Prosecutor at the Office of the Director of Public
Prosecutions for eight years, prosecuting serious and complex criminal offences. She now appears for
both prosecution and defence, with a particular focus on criminal appeals.

Prior to going to the bar, Susan was a solicitor at a national law firm, and was Associate to the
President of the Court of Appeal, Justice Margaret McMurdo AC. Susan has a Bachelor of Laws with
a University Medal from QUT and a Bachelor of Civil Law from the University of Oxford. 


Other recent / significant cases:

  • R v McNamara [2022] QCA 73, appearing unled

  • Baxter v Preston & Ors [2022] QCA 146, led by Mitchel Batty

  • DVB Projects Pty Ltd v Council of the City of Gold Coast [2022] QPEC 40, led by Mitchel Batty

  • Karagianis v Body Corporate for Northpoint Carseldine Community Titles Scheme 50962 & Anor [2022] QPEC 26, appearing unled

  • Riverside Development Pty Ltd v Brisbane City Council & Ors [2022] QPEC 53, led by Christopher Hughes KC and Mitchel Batty

  • Smith v The Queen (2015) 255 CLR 161, led by Anthony Moynihan KC


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300 George Street
Brisbane Qld 4000

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Professional Standards Legislation

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